Archive | July, 2012

Kerri’s Intro.

31 Jul


My name is Kerri and I am the co-creator of Accio Vegans. Welcome to our blog! I am hoping to make this blog into a sounding board to vent frustrations, share inspirations and have a lot of fun as Kate and I continue to transition into a vegan lifestyle. I have been vegan since the beginning of 2012 and I have gotten so much more out of the lifestyle change than I ever thought I would. I am super excited to share these things with you.

About Me:

Name: Kerri


Occupation: Assistant Librarian

Favorite food: Asian cuisine

Non-vegan food I miss most: Cheese

Favorite food discovered after becoming vegan: Indian cuisine

Favorite Restaurant: Shira Kiku: Authentic Korean & Japanese Cuisine in Nashua, NH

Things I love: Mike, Kate, Harry Potter, Hanson, my family, my animals (including my tiny fish), my bed, and my planet.

Welcome from Kate

11 Jul

Welcome to our blog, Accio Vegans! Kerri and I wanted to put together a blog about our recent jump into the vegan lifestyle. We will be sharing recipes and reviewing vegan-friendly and not-so-vegan-friendly restaurants in our area.

But before we get started, here’s a little bit about me:

Name: Kate


Occupation: Social Worker

Favorite food: Pad thai or really any type of Asian cuisine

Non-vegan food I miss most: Eggs

Favorite Restaurant: Susty’s Vegan Cafe in Northwood, NH

Things I love: My husband, my family, my best friend Kerri, my friends, my animals (Lexi, Napalm, Linus, Gladys, and Schroeder), food, crafting, reading, board games, and sleeping.

One of my favorite pictures from our wedding last summer ♥

Ok, now it’s Kerri’s turn!